Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Birthdays and Stooges.

For my B-Day Leanne made me a Batman cake, which was pretty cool. Then we spent to rest of the day on a quest to find the burial sites of my 4 favorite Stooges. After that we just bummed around LA. Good B-day times.


Anonymous said...

Pretty cool?!?! It was freaking spectacular you boob!


Dont count your chickens .... err ferrets ... err possums ... before they hatch, donk!

Teresa Kay Castro said...

3 Things:

1) Your batman cake looks amazing.

2) What better way to spend a birthday than searching for the stooges' crypts?

3) I think I WILL wear that getup to the Lobero. That way, any Irish people who DO decide to attend can be righteously offended about my insensitivity to Irish stereotypes. Hehehe.

But really, can't you see me in my Leprechaun's Crossing hat? Greeting all guests and introducing myself as "Me name's Teresa! And I'm a wee bit Irish!"

Oh the possibilities...

Nicholas Draney said...

Your B-day cake looks amazing, but how did it taste? Glad you had a nice birthday. Wish I could have shared it with you. Cheers buddy!

Jenn said...

Seriously, LeAnne is right... that is one sexy cake!

Also: looks like I won't be able to make it to either of the Ireland A/V shows now, so you're going to have to let me borrow the DVD when I get back from Mexico ;)