Sunday, March 23, 2008

Labbits and the start of a Scavenger Hunt.

Went to a crazy place in LA, that sold crazy things that make no sense. Then started a scavenger hunt that if we win we'll be able to get more things that make no sense. It's kind of a crazy thing to do, but it's still alot of fun, if that makes any sense.

P.S. There was also a kebab involved.


Matt McLoone said...

Dont forget the Dunny's!!

Man, I really like Kebobs....

Jenn said...

Which one is the Kiiro? PS: I added you on Twitter!

Teresa Kay Castro said...

I am SOOOOOOOOOO offended.

We are so not friends anymore.
And you can be sure to relay that message to mister mcloone as well.

And I was all pumped over "next weekend's" scavenger hunt... pff.

It's over.

Anonymous said...

hah! Your scavenger hunt is making you enemies all over the place!!! Including Mr. T's girlfriend... she's gonna kick yo ass bro!!!

Nicholas Draney said...

Nice images, but I still have to say WTF!?

Anonymous said...

That would be so awesome ... what got this started?